Ted wrote:
>We're in a bit of a frustrating spot here and if anyone has any advice, I'd
>glad to listen. We've been surviving much too long on a 947lx with 64 user
<<some snipped>>
>Are there any other avenues I should be exploring?

This paralleled a question a customer asked me yesterday. The question was:

Why does HP consider a 'user' on MPE differently than a 'user' on HPUX?

The way it was explained to me is: that on HPUX six signons with the same
user ID only count as one 'user'! Is this true?

I can see why this is not implemented on the HP3000 where many systems are
setup with a signon that consists of a unique session id with all users
using the same user name and account name. ala mch,user.manman

To be on par with HPUX shouldn't every identical signon to the HP3000 only
count as a single 'user'?

A corollary question is: How can multiple sessions from the same IP address
count as multiple 'users'?

This is a very serious issue, one that I consider in the best light a 'bug'
and in the worst light a
disgraceful business practice.
