If you ask what a terminal emulator is - probably means that you have
accessed your HP3000 only via a terminal console.

A terminal emulator is a piece of software that you run on your PC to access
your server (HP3000 for example) as if it were a terminal.

The most commonly used terminal emulators for the HP3000 are:

 - WRQ's Reflection 1  http://www.wrq.com
- Minisoft's WS92      http://www.minisoft.com
- Some people use Telnet but it is not designed for the HP3000 and does not
support block mode applications. Telnet is already on your PC (if you use
- QCTerms - this is a freeware terminal emulator but I never managed to get
it to work. I think it was written in VB 3 - 16 bit app. It is still in
development. Can't remember the website address.

What is nice about terminal emulators is that you can access your HP3000
without having to pull a wire from the server to your home (unless you have
a dedicated data line between the 2!). Terminal consoles also do not fit
into a briefcase nor do they hook into portable phones. ;)

I would like to remark that there are graphical user interfaces available
for MPEix that will run from your PC.


<[log in to unmask]> wrote in message
>what exactly is terminal emulators & how can i utilize them for my benefit.
>are there any good web sites on this stuff.
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