
        You did not specify which version of MPE you are running. If you are
running on 6.0, try using the new flavor of the PAUSE command.

        The job will pause there for 60 seconds or until a job named WAKEUP
shows up on the system. See if this does it for you.

Robert Schlosser
Harris Corporation
Melbourne, FL.
(407) 727-5893

-----Original Message-----
From:   Maclary, David [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:   Thursday, March 18, 1999 9:55 AM
To:     [log in to unmask]
Subject:        message files

I need to have a batch job wait for n seconds, but I'd also like it to "wake
up" immediately if needed. I was thinking that a message file would do the

When I do the following interactively...

Session A:

:build msgfile;msg
:file m=msgfile,old;semi;gmulti
:input response;wait=60 < *x

Session B:
:file m=msgfile,old;semi;gmulti
:echo OK >> *x

Session A says...

End of file on input. (CIERR 900)

and msgfile now has an eof of 1, and record 1 contains the string "OK".

Figuring that GMULTI was allowing the file pointer to move on me, I tried
;MULTI, but that get me...

Couldn't open output redirection file, command failed. (CIERR 9425)

In any event, I can work around the end of file error message easily enough,
except, when I try running
"Session A" as a batch job, the INPUT;WAIT=60 does not time out !!!

Want I'd like to have happen is, in batch, for the :INPUT command to either
read a record
from msgfile (if one gets ECHOed to it), or, timeout after 60 seconds.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
David Maclary