In article <[log in to unmask]>,
  [log in to unmask] wrote:
> I'm trying to get the unsupported version of Samba going and It doesn't seem
> to want to go.  The testparm program seems to check out and I can ping
> everything fine.  . When I try to user the SMBCLENT I get a message that
> says "Your Server software is being unfriendly" I get the following in the
> smb.log file. Can anyone tell what I'm doing wrong from the log file?
we just had the same trouble. So we find out, there is a problem with
Hostlookup, so we changed in NMMGR / NS / GUIDED / GLOBAL the lookup parameter
from 2,3,1 to 0,0,0 (zero). Now it works !!!

Also take care, that you have the same user on MPE with the same password as
on the PC-Client.

Dénes Kelemen
IN Projekt, Holm

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