I Guess Maximum capacity is 2Mb once format loose some capacity for
preamble and postamble(?) to store location of sector and error correction
data area shrink down quite bit to 1.44 Mb (Dos type format)
like old 79XX series HP disk drive?

Just my $.02
Peter C.

Wirt Atmar wrote in message ...
>Jim Phillips writes:
>> This time the UL inspector here is trying
>>  to copy a floppy disk (at home) and asked me for assistance.  It
>>  seems he is trying to copy a 2MB floppy.  I didn't even know there
>>  was such an animal.  Anyway, what is required to copy these disks?
>>  A special disk drive?  Or just another 2MB disk?  Will a standard
>>  (1.4MB) floppy drive read/write these 2MB disks correctly?
>Please read previous post about customer wanting to go to Hippopotamus, NY.
>Wirt Atmar