Fellow listers,
   We have for many years used AQ/3000 from the Contributed Library as an
alternative to Query.  In considering switching to Query to resolve a Y2K
issue, I am stumped by my inability to find a date function that works
correspondingly to the TODAY value in AQ.  For example, in AQ I can say
"FIND TRANSACT.MONTH = TODAY:(1,2) - 1" to find all records with last
month's date, using the fact that TODAY always has the form xx/xx/xx with
today's date in it and therefore TODAY:(1,2) gives me the current month.  Is
there something in Query that provides today's date in a similar
manipulatable form?
   Our preference would be to stay with AQ, but TODAY appears to give a
result of 01/20/:0 on Jan. 20, 2000 when we try it with SETDATE.  Perhaps
one of you has a solution for this problem.  Thanks for any hints.
        Don Inghram, Systems Mgr.
        The Christian & Missionary Alliance
        Colorado Springs, CO  (719) 265-2154
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