Leonard asks:

> Someone (HP?) told someone here that one of our performance
> problems is the single-threaded nature of the Image SIR in that
> it can handle only one DBOPEN system-wide at a time.

> Can someone please sort out for me this information? Did we
> hear it right?

AFAIK, you are currently correct...  HP is aware of this issue,
and I remember being part of an e-mail or real conversation
where this was discussed.....  but the e-mail, real-mail, and
phone overload lately has gotten to the point where additional
specifics escape me right now.  I also confess to not being able
to talk intelligently in detail about the technical reasons this is
the way it is...  I will have to defer to the techie internals experts.
.... maybe someone from HP will respond ??....    :-)

> Is there anything that we can do, other than rewriting the
> applications?

well, if all else fails and there is no short-term solution, we
can add it to the SIGIMAGE Enhancement Request list....
Eleven items were moved to the "Now / Soon Available in
Image/SQL" list in 1998;  I'm thinking at least 10 will make
the same move in 1999.....   so things are getting done (even
though of course as enhancements are implemented, those
darn users keep coming up with more new items...   ;-)   ).

Ken Sletten