Tony Furnival writes:

>>> <[log in to unmask]> 03/11/99 09:28am >>>
Hi there Allbase gurus!

I'm trying to automate the setting-up and re-creation of some Allbase
I discover that there is a somewhat anomalous condition when trying to
rid of an existing DBE. In brief, the standard purge sequences in SQLUTIL
leave me with an orphan logfile (or logfiles!)

I tried (first of all):

>> purgelog
DBEnvironment Name: fcsdbe
Maintenance Word:
Log Identifier: 1
Purge Log File (y/n)? y
Current Log file can not be purged  (DBERR 14103)

OK, I though, this makes sense, the DBE is still logging transactions. So I
tried doing a STOPDBE, I tried setting Autostart off, and even tried to
find a sacrificial lamb, just in case there was an undocumented

However, every time I try to purge the DBE, I am left with a log file, or
log files. Is it not reasonable, I ask myself, that when I purge a DBE I
actually do purge the DBE? Is not a log file part of the DBE?

The only way I can get rid of the log file is to use the purgefile command
in SQLUTIL. This of course means that I have to know the name(s) of the
files affected. And because that knowledge is not particularly readily
available, it means a lot of extra work to discover it, just so I can purge
and rebuild my DBE.

Now, I know that there's probably something I'm, overlooking, but it
to me that I'm being put to a heck of a lot of trouble to accomplish a
pretty simple task, huh? Or is it merely that cooter has moved to
Minneaplois for the winter months?

Any help. anyone, or any ideas?

Why not use the PURGEALL command in SQLUTIL if your want to get rid
of the DBE and all log files.

Mike Berkowitz
Guess? Inc.