Hi Rich &  Gordon :)
    Rich is right (but then he usually is; except when it comes to Iguanas
in Professor's offices! hehehe)

    I think you can download the file to a PC and manually massage it into
a usable format???  Or maybe convert it using a program on the pc that
reads the data?  I can't remember how I did this at my last gig... I know I
print out the contents of a couple of these files when I was at my last
job... Maybe Art Frank can find my notes on how I did this when I was
there?  You out there Art?

Art "having a Dilbert Monday!" Bahrs

  Ah flashback to Basic/3000 days.  As I recall this was the filecode for
"Basic Saved Data" file. Do you happen to have the source for the program
creates this?  You may have to write a quick Basic/3000 program to read it
output it as ASCII;

Was it possibly created by the editor called....(help me out here
Whatever it was called, it was written in Basic/3000 and used tags like
".bold".  Oh well...  They say the mind is one of the first things to

Either way, I don't think it's in EBCDIC format. It's ASCII (and or
but the layout depends on the program which created it.

Is there a program which uses this file?  Can you tell us about it?


 Rich Trapp "RAT"
 Managed Business Solutions   [log in to unmask]   http://www.mbsnav.com
 Assigned to: TMO Design Automation Support at HP Loveland, CO
 (Telnet) or (970) 679-2221   [log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, February 05, 1999 12:50 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Cc: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Basic data files

Hi Everyone!

I have a question for you - Can anyone help me in converting a BASD file?

The file is called "test at 383W 1 record per block a total of 2171
I need to convert this to ascii so that I can download to a PC.

First, IS this possible or do you have to do some things to a BASD file
I am completely ignorant when it comes to Basic so any help is extremely
appreciated.  I tried a fcopy with a ebcdicin but the data didn't look like
was converted.

Thanks for all the help!
Gordon Wong