My production environment is a 997-300 with MPE 5.5. An irregular and
infrequent problem started happening last September where suprtool extracts
out of large image datasets would have corrupted records in it. Simply re
running the extracts would solve the problem. The issue was raised with
Robelle and we was we were assured it was not suprtool and so it was taken up
with HP.

Since then, it has been happening with increasing frequency to the point
where my support staff are up half the night every night supporting the batch
process. Suprtool is crashing, Sort is crashing, Cobol programs are crashing
with spaces return in the cond word from Image. It is happening to flat files
as well as various database. Extracts may contain more records than they

The problem seems to occur when the machine is under a large load. Later in
the night when the load is reduced the extracts rerun Okay. The problem is
getting worse to the point where it is happening during the day as well. It
appears confined to data extracting as no corruption of databases have been
found other that those sourced from corrupted files.

HP are having difficulty of identifying the problem. They have changed various
hardware/software components and had no success. They have built a machine of
similar specification, reproduced the problem but still cannot isolate the

Instability of this magnitude and duration is only adding to the pressure to
move away from MPE.

Has anyone seen anything like this?

Ron McFarlane
Project Manager
Mercantile Mutual

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