
If you do the showjob, you see the joblimit and session limit at the last
line of output. If the joblimit is lower then the number of running jobs
plus your job.

This is the explanation.

Ask your system manager to increase the job limit or do it yourself if you
are allowed to do so.

The command to use is limit. The command has two parameters:


I would ommit the second parameter in this case so use:

Limit old_joblimit+1

After your starts running, do limit oldjoblimit. This to avoid trouble with
jobs that will start after your job finished.


Jan Gerrit

Robert heeft geschreven in bericht <[log in to unmask]>...
>I have a new HP3K and do not know MPE very well. Everytime I stream a
>job, it gets a job number and everything looks good until I do a
>showjob and find that it's not running but in the 'Wait' state. Why
>doesn't the job start? Can anyone venture a guess?