One fscott@MAILANDNEWS wrote here:
> Hi.  Love the list and decided to stop lurking. Having worked on my HP3
> since seemlingly the dawn of time, I am always looking for a temporary
> distraction.  But I don't have time to "search" the web for good escapist
> sites.

Uh huh.

On biomch-l, he wrote:
> Hi.  Love the list and have decided to stop lurking.  I am a teacher
> in Texas and have been fascinated by the discussions here (especially
> neural control of mechanical devices messages).

On mmatrix-l he wrote:
> Hi.  Love the list and decided to stop lurking. I am always keeping my
> eyes open for great Internet Health research sites.  Recently, I found
> a free online newsletter that has helped me tremendously.


!@#$% spammers are getting bolder and more devious every day.
