Michael posted an addendum:

> Regarding the IPROF meeting I mentioned in an earlier post,
> the time is 6:30AM--sorry I left out the AM. ....

>>  Interex is hoping that those that can make will join us in the
>> Terrace Room at the Radisson during IPROF. The meeting is
>> scheduled for Thursday, February 18th at 6:30 AM PST. ....

I was wondering about the AM - PM thing in the intervening
message....  didn't get around to asking yet;  now I know.

I was going to try and attend this session, but unfortunately
I and a number of other people will be going from 09:00 to
21:00+ the day before, at the pre-IPROF IMAGE and JAVA
user meetings over at the Hilton Garden Inn.  Maybe I'm less
gung-ho as I get older;  whatever;  especially since I'm a split-
shift person I don't think I'm gonna have enough energy to get
up to make an 06:30 session after inevitably getting to bed late
the night before, and then be able to stay alert for another 13.5
hours through the Management RT and welcome reception....

BUT:  I encourage those who are early risers to participate.

NOTE:  It might be a good idea to add this new session to
the IPROF schedule on the Interex web site....

Ken Sletten