Joe Geiser wrote after Daniel Vogel:

>> We are currently experiencing problems with connections to our HP3000
>> from our users in Korea.  These users are using an internet provider
>> and Minisoft terminal emulator via NS/VT.  The ISP connection is a
>> dedicated 256k link to a router on the LAN. Frequently when they
>> try to use an HPView mode applications, the app hangs and then the
> connection drops.

>Sounds to me like this ISP has the same problem that some others do -
>drop DC1 when the client is using NS/VT.  Unfortunately, they think
>they can do flow control better than the bloody hardware.

>To check this, turn on Display Options on the termulator and press
>get an MPE prompt.  Do you see a "D1" after the colon?  Then this is
NOT the
>problem.  If not, then this is the problem.

>If it is - the solution is to talk to the ISP, but more than likely,
>will not be able to do anything.  The other solution is to use Telnet
>instead of NS/VT.


I did not this that ISP's would edit the packets that customers send
back and forth between each other. I sure hope they don't start doing
this with our e-mail, they'll begin to look like those documents release
from our government, you know the one's with every fifth word blacked

But if the ISP is really dropping characters out of packets, the one
solution would be to use a VPN. That way the ISP can't even tell what
protocol if being passed over the connection. Just as long as they don't
start dropping characters out of the VPN packets.

John Zoltak
North American Mfg Co