On Mon, 25 Jan 1999 18:37:35 -0500, MMRI CS ListServ
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I'd love to hear from someone who has actually been through a conversion of
>a 3000 to a 9000.  We have plans to convert our 969-220 to Unix someday in
>the future.  (The date keeps getting pushed back.)  We have the application
>running on a 9000 already, but in limited production.  I've been told that
>it is "a piece of cake" to boot the 969 as Unix, but am very curious to hear
>real experiences.

No it's no piece of cake. It IS a piece of cake to transform the
hardware, since there's just a little EEPROM (or similar) on the
system main board that tells the CPU whether to start the MPE boot
sequence or the HP-UX boot sequence. It takes HP just a couple of
minutes to change that chip out.

That doesn't put HP-UX on your disk of course. I think the HP service
to transform your machine (or lobotomize it, as the case may be)
includes putting HP-UX on the system boot disk. But then someone gets
to customize everything ... set up networking, install printers. And
then YOU get to make your applications work. It's not a piece of cake,
even for an experienced HP-UX admin. An MPE-er is going to feel like
they are swimming in deep waters indeed.

HP's part is a "piece of cake". Your part is not. (BTW, I haven't done
this, but I have adminned MPE and HP-UX, so I have a pretty good feel
for what it takes to go from one to the other...)

Mark Landin                   "For anyone who was never good at
T. D. Williamson, Inc.         anything, technology has been a
UNIX Sys. Admin                real boon" --- my mom