Glenn, I seem to detect some deap seated unresolved defensive hostilities in

your short reply.......  :-)

...Tony "maybe I read between too many lines" Peters

______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: Re: hpprompt
Author:  "Glenn Cole" [SMTP:[log in to unmask]] at
Date:    1/15/99 2:23 PM

Michael Hensley writes:

> I *hate* names like A, B, C, D, E, etc.  They lead to phone conversations
> like this:
> Night operator (at 2am): System C is down.
> Me (groggily): System D is down?
> Night operator: No, System C!
> Me: Oh, System E!
> etc.

...which is probably why HP used Athena, Bruno, and Cheetah for MPE
