Yesterday Jerry after Jeanne:

>> We use DBCHANGE.  Don't know where it comes from
>> but it works just fine for all the changes I've ever made

> I'd like to point-out that HP's products DBCHANGE/DBCHANGE-
> PLUS do not support some of the changes to IMAGE/SQL and
> HP has indicated on a number of occassions that they have no
> plans to enhance the product to support some of the new IMAGE
> features.  Jumbo datasets is one of the IMAGE features it does
> not support.  It may also not support b-tree indexes or dynamic
> master dataset expansion as well, ....

Jerry is correct:  HP's DBCHANGE (any variant) does not
support Jumbo datasets....  or IMAGE B-Trees...  or DDX...
or MDX...  and per HP it is unlikely that it ever will.  If
DBCHANGE still does what you need and you do NOT
need or want to use any of these new features, then it is
still a "supported" product (in the classic HP definition of

Something else to keep in mind:  There are investigations
now under way, the results of which I believe have a high
probability of resulting in additional changes to IMAGE that
are also unlikely to ever be supported by DBCHANGE.

If you ever find you need to do something that is not now
supported by the current version of DBCHANGE, the best
solution is to buy one of the third-party tools....

Then today Rich added:

> ..... a tool that comes with TurboImage called DBCPlus.

Actually, no version of DBCHANGE has ever been "bundled"
with TurboIMAGE AFAIK:  It has always been a purchase
product (although a fairly reasonably priced one, as I recall)...
... and if you do not already have DBCHANGE / DBCHANGE+
and are looking at having to buy a database tool in any case,
I strongly recommend going the third-party route, even if that
is a bit more money...  you get what you pay for....

Ken Sletten