James Wrote:
>There are two ways of speeding up Image access that I know of;
>1) autodefer on <<snip>>

  ( note I don't like to enable for autodefer but rather like to call
DBcontrol Mode 1)

>2) Block mode access to the DB. <<snip>>

I would like to add:
3) use creator (;) access and * lists if possible
4) for details use HWMPUT or serial repack (don't add on delete space chain)
5) for masters check for bad capacity selection/fullness using
6) if updating details use DBupdate and CIUPDATE in place of DBdelete/DBput
7) check pathing of discs (HPIB and SCSI are slow interfaces, more than 3
per controller usually is too many.
8) put in as much memory as is physically possible or affordable

A great tool combination that can help IO tuning is available at
I have used syslog and filerpt on hundreds of HP3000s to identify and then
tune the heavily accessed files. SOMETIMES THE HEAVY HITTERS ARE QUITE

Mike Hornsby
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