Bill queried:


> What kind of participation would you like to see the High Availability
> Forum have at IPROF??

During the last couple of IPROFs, HA has been a general topic with (what I
would consider) a fairly good amount of conversation (Ken has certainly kept
up the 'mirroring of the system volume set' issue quite nicely :).  The
whole issue of HA is moving down rapidly from the "big shops" to also include
smaller shops as the prices move down.  Also moving information onto the
(which doesn't sleep) has brought the issue to more companies as well.  I
feel comfortable with the previous format of "general inclusion".

> Are you interested in seeing technical high availability
> presentations from
> HP?


> Are you interested in seeing technical high availability
> presentations from
> third-parties?

If it were to be a sales pitch, then no.  On the other hand if
it were "here's some technology we can offer to the HP3000 community",
the sure.  Thats a fine line to walk though.

> In a more generic sense, would you like to see IPROF stay
> exactly as is or
> would you like to see its charter expanded somewhat?

I'm not exactly sure what its "charter" is.  But as I said above,
I'm comfortable with the last couple that I've attended.

> Would you be more likely to attend IPROF if it were expanded?

"no strong preference"

> Would you be less likely to attend HP World if IPROF were expanded?


> How would you feel about a vendor show at IPROF?

*NO*  That is one of IPROFs strongest points.  I go there to lend input to HP
on their upcoming plans, and to help set a direction for future plans.  I feel
like they honestly want the "give and take" that occurs there, and their
are stronger because of it.  To me, it seems that issues are "brought up and
tuned" at IPROF, whereas they are "announced" at HP World.  I like the
that I can go there and "make a difference".
  I certainly wouldn't mind working with other vendors in the same fashion at
(and that does occur, but in more informal meetings away from the main
but formalizing that might become a trick. :)
> Bill Lancaster
> High Availability Forum Co-chair
> [log in to unmask]
Michael L Gueterman
Easy Does It Technologies
Allaire Alliance Partner
email: [log in to unmask]
voice: (888) 858-EDIT -or- (509) 943-5108
fax:   (509) 946-1170