Brad Kirchner writes:
> When I do:
> man sed > temp
> ...I get lots of garbage when I open it up in vi.
> I want to be able to somehow convert the formatting in a man page to
> just plain ascii so vi can view and edit it.

James Clark replies:
> Do a man on man and there is an option for clear text, no highlights, for
> just the purpose you are wanting it for. I do not use the option enough to
> remember what it is, but I know it is there.

I'm interested in hearing the solution to this, because

(1) I don't see the option in 'man man'.  (I have -k for keyword lookup,
    -M to search a specific path, -w to show the filename for the man
    entry, and -x to show what files are being searched.  That's it!)

(2) On HP-UX, I would use

        man sed | col -b > temp

    but 'col' does not exist on MPE!

Hmmm...well, THAT's interesting!  I don't have this problem at all!
That is, I have no highlights when doing the 'man' to the screen,
and thus no special chars when I do the 'man' to a file!

Brad, what system are you doing this on??

--Glenn Cole
  Software al dente, Inc.
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Item Subject: cc:Mail Text