Hello Friends,


Question is how to get the VTERR 42 message removed from the console..

* WED, NOV 25, 1998,  5:53:37.9 PM                        NS/3000(6) *
*--------------------------- Info Section ---------------------------*
*    Log Class       : NetIPC ERROR                                  *
*    Service         : VT              Error           : 42          *
*    Job/Session #   : #S123           PIN             : 68          *
*    Error info.     : 1                                             *
*    Error Description :                                             *
*                                                                    *
* Info Section (octal):                                              *
*  000000:  000005 000036 000052 040173 000104 000000 000104 000001  *

This is the message as it is printed to disk logging and formated...
We do not want to turn it off to disk since it offers significant info
to the Response Center trouble shooting problems you report... But now
to turn it off for the console....

It is a VTERROR and that is SUBSYSTEM 6 and we see it is a
"NETIPC error", so my vote is you should turn off "CONSOLE ONLY"
SUB0006 CLASS0005.

SUB0006    CLAS0002  [Y]     [Y]     Resource errors
Network    CLAS0003  [Y]     [Y]     Internal errors
Services   CLAS0004  [N]     [Y]     Detailed events (enable with NSCONTROL LOG)
           CLAS0005  [Y]     [Y]     NetIPC internal errors

This is done in NMMGR and after you have made the change, then do a
:switchnmlog update.

[open config]
[unguided config]
[goto logging]
[next screen]
[save data]
[prior screen]
[prior screen]
[prior screen]
[prior screen]
[prior screen]
:switchnmlog update

Yup, VTERR 42 is now gone!

P.S. Remember do not turn this off for DISK logging, else when you call
the RC with a network problem / error, they will envite you to turn on
the logging and call back when the problem is seen again.


James Hofmeister
Hewlett Packard
Worldwide Technology Network Expert Center
P.S. My Ideals are my own, not necessarily my employers.

Marcus E. Carlson ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: Greetings:
: Neophyte wants (needs) to know:

: ** NS/3000 NetIPC ERROR IN VT; Job: #S...; PIN: ...; Info: 1
: -Error: 42;