I replied privately to Gary about this, as follows:

>How about "System Support Specialist"?  It is vague enough to cover
>he/she has to do, Important sounding enough to deal with outside contacts
>still pay him/her what you can afford for the job.  A reasonable pay range
>that position would be in the 45k to 60k range, depending on experience,
>capabilities and level of real responsibility and authority he/she has.

Then I read further all the other replies and would like to make a more

There are many sites in Canada that I know of who have VERY small shops such
this.  We operated this way for years until we decided to go into more
custom programming, and now have a couple programmers and a coop student to
with PC solutions.

This is not all that uncommon, and the salary range  averages are not very
 Individual shops pay more, and some pay less, but the average according to
wage surveys is under 60k for this type of job.

Our cost of living is probably as high as in the U.S. and a loaf of bread is

1.39 and a gallon of gas is 2.20.

The problem in Canada is one of scale.  We have a parent company 10 times
size in the U.S., but we have to make basically the same parts, process the
type of orders, keep the same type of records, operate the same types of
equipment etc.  The only difference is we do not have the volume of
business(about 10%) that they do, so we have to do these jobs with
10%) people.

                                          Tony Peters
       _/_/_/_/_/           _/_/_/_/_/    Project Manager - New Technology
      _/            _/     _/      _/     S&C Electric Canada Ltd
     _/            _/     _/              90 Belfield Rd
    _/_/_/_/_/  _/_/_/   _/               Toronto ON  M9W 1G4
           _/    _/     _/                Ph  416 249-9171
          _/    _/     _/      _/         Fax 416 249-3193
 _/_/_/_/_/           _/_/_/_/_/          Email   [log in to unmask]

My Thoughts, My Fault.  Don't blame anyone else, cause they have no idea
what I am thinking.  Good thing too.