On Wed, 18 Nov 1998 12:53:58 -0500, Lee Gunter <[log in to unmask]>

>I am generally against tier-based software pricing, in principle; however,
>I have seen more support work required of some of our ISV's caused by the
>problems apparently unique to running on multi-processor systems vs.
>single-CPU machines.  This is merely an observation -- not a justification
>in and of itself for tiered pricing schemes..

Without any more specifics, I would say multi-processor problems are a
result of problems at the OS level, not the application level. No sane
application (unless it's a hardware monitoring tool, for instance)
should care whether the system has one or more CPU's, or if it
switches CPU's mid-process. If your payroll application (for instance)
*is* sensitive to that, then I would say the application is poorly
written, and you have created your own support headaches for which the
users shouldn't have to pay.

So I would think that multi-CPU support would in *no way* justify
extra cost. Again, it's the OS programmers who have to worry about
such things.


Mark Landin                   "For anyone who was never good at
T. D. Williamson, Inc.         anything, technology has been a
UNIX Sys. Admin                real boon" --- my mom