Hello Friends,

Re: FTP anonymous password length.

This problem is identified as SR 5003442400 fixed in FTPFD91 6.0
BETA TEST patch.


James Hofmeister
Hewlett Packard
Worldwide Technology Network Expert Center
P.S. My Ideals are my own, not necessarily my employers.

Raghuram B ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
: Hello Gary,

: Currently, there is a limitation on the size of the password
: to 28 characters.  Yours just exceeded that!  Hence it was
: rejected.   Since anonymous FTP ignores the password field
: (for now ;),  I wouldn't worry about it!
: >
: > The second, ANONYMOUS FTP is rejection some passwords. My E-MAIL
: > address [log in to unmask] won't work but
: >         [log in to unmask]  Will. Go figure.
: >
: > They have recreated the problem in the lab and are investigating
: > it.
: >

: (snipped)

: > Gary L. Biggs, N5TTO
: > [log in to unmask]
: > Interex SIG Allbase Chair
: >
: > "Abandon all hope, Ye who Inter(net) here" --
: > Dante, over the portal(router) to Hell

: --
: Best regards,
: Raghu

: CSY R & D, Bangalore, INDIA

: In a computer manual, any simple idea will be worded in the most
: complicated way.

: Disclaimer:  I speak for myself, not HP.