An interesting aspect of all the changes being made to prepare for Y2K
is that the work of changing everything to try to account for all the
date issues will certainly introduce some number of new bugs, both date
sensitive and generic.

I suspect that very soon we will reach a point where people will have
done enough Y2K work on their software that the damage caused by bugs
introduced trying to fix the problem will exceed the damage due to
Y2K bugs that haven't been fixed.

Since most of the changes to prepare for Y2K are in date sensitive code,
chances are that many of these introduced bugs will cause the same kind
of date specific failures that they were designed to prevent.

The best we can hope for is that the net number of problems will be less
after all the Y2K remediation work is done.

Also interestingly, numerous States and the Federal Government here in the
U.S. (and also other countries) are working on, or have passed, various
pieces of legislation to attempt to limit some types of liability for
Y2K related failures.  It is conceivable that some of these laws might
provide you with protection if your software has Y2K bugs, but might
*not* protect you from defects that you introduced while trying to correct
Y2K problems!
