In article <[log in to unmask]>,
[log in to unmask] wrote:

>Stan writes:
>> Sadly, Shakespeare's lawyer line is taken out of context.  Read in
>>  context, it's basically saying that it would be silly to suggest
>>  killing all of the lawyers.
>>  Oh well ... wonder what that first draft looked like, prior to
>>  Will passing it through the legal department?   :)
>>  BTW, I tried to find a few URLs with the original text from the play ...
>>  boy, what a mismash of misinformation is out on the web!  Many people
>>  misquote the phrase (minor changes, mostly), and I saw it
>>  attributed to the plays: Henry IV, Henry V, and Henry VI.
>>  I also stumbled over  I'm giving up!
>This appears to be my week to disagree with Stan, at least on the truly
>important things that we discuss here. An answer-at-length rebutting Stan's
>contention appears at:
>The fellow who put this web page together, Seth Finkelstein, strongly suggests
>that any interpretation that "First thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers"
>is somehow complimentary of lawyers required the convoluted logic of a legal
>mind to begin with.
>As to the exact location of the quote (which isn't referenced in the URL
>above), the line appears in "King Henry the Sixth Part II", Act IV, Scene II.
>Wirt Atmar

Hello all,

    Do I get a prize?  My trusty Mac has found the text at

Enjoy all!!!
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