Many (many) thanks to everyone who replied both to the list and
privately regarding TDP -- Now I know what it is, and why we had it.
(With much fanfare, the 2680 rolled out the door last week.  Don't
ask what the support costs were.)

For the curious at heart, the results of host-based line-editor
preferences (in preference order) were as follows:

1. QEdit                (Natch.)
2. QUAD         (Ditto.)
3. TDP          (How 'BOUT that?)
4. EDITOR       (The Untamed)
5. EMACS        (Dunno... never tried it.)
6. vi           (No one will ever convince me this isn't left over
from some Berkley hazing-week survival test.)

So, for those on a budget, Quad -- being free -- would appear to be
the hands-down preferred winner.

Honorable mention goes to the Samba/PFE combo for the
"better-than-dirt-cheap" (i.e. "free")
sorta-C/S-if-you-look-at-it-sideways offering, and to Whisper
Technology's "FTP Plus" sorta-C/S-in-another-way product for the
"near-dirt-cheap" ($99) offering [though I must admit that I have
previously not heard of, nor ever used, the latter].

Thanks again!

PS - Note responsible for the post-user-exit tagline.

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