You might want to try to program your modem with the following AT

        S0=1---------AUTO ANSWER AFTER 1 RING
        &C0----------FORCE CARRIER DETECT
        &D0----------IGNORE DTR
        &S0----------FORCE DATA SET READY
        E0------------NO ECHO
        Q1------------SUPPRESS RESULTS
        &K0-----------DISABLE FLOW CONTROL

        I have been using these settings on my 987 for some time now and
they work pretty nicely.
        You don't say if you are using Open View DTC manager or not, but if
you are here are the settings that I use on the
        modem port:

        Line Speed    19,200
        Parity/Data Length  N/8
        #stop bits         one
        Attached Device----US Modem
        Modem Behavior-----std DCE
        Data Transmission-----ASCII

        Check off the following

        Auto Speed Parity Sensing
        Allow Logon
        Enable Port
        Hardware Handshake
        Enable Flow Control

        Good Luck
        Jack Calandra
        AIG New York