Is the unremediated code running against production data?  If so, I would
suggest comparing your remediated code against a duplicate, frozen environment.

>>> Rambabu Paturi <[log in to unmask]> 09/26/98 02:12am >>>
Hi All,

 Can any one help us to test a job in power house.

In some jobs QTP,SUP and cobol programs are there and these are updating the

we are doing testing  by comparing the records selected and records
processed in both the test areas. In one area the unremediated code will be
there(which includes databases and all).The second test area the remediated
code will be there(which include remediated data bases and all) Due to the
updation of data bases and files ,records selection is not consistence with
original code.

How can avoid this, is there any way to rectify it.Or otherwise  there is
any other way to test these jobs for Y2k .

