MPE V, Release 30 changed the CALENDAR intrinsic to return the number of
years since 1900 instead of the 2 digit year of the century, so in 2000
it returns 100 instead of 0.  (See COMMUNICATOR 3000, MPE V Release 3P,
Version G.3P.00 for details.)

I need a version of CALENDAR which follows the old convention of
returning only a 0 through 99 year of century.  I’d put this routine in
an SL to be accessed with the LIB=G parameter on the RUN commands for a
flock of programs that abort when years since 1900 rolls over to 100.
This will save me a bunch of unnecessary recompiles.  (All programs
compiled with my version of REX/3000 abort in 2000.)

This should be a simple SPL routine, but I’d rather buy it than learn
the SPL required for this one task.  This is the old “classic” MPE, NOT

Rob Marsicek, 1-425-251-6703, Tally Company, Kent, Washington, USA