Lne Rollins asks,

> We just got in a used 918 with zero manuals... Just wondering
> if anybody
> knows what it takes to use the 10baseT connector on the proc
> card for the
> ethernet. It came configured using the
> 10base2 on the SCSI card. It all kind of seems stange and aui
> & 10baseT
> on the proc card, and  a 10base2 & AUI connector on the SCSI/IO card.
> While I'm at it what does it take to convert a 967 from the 10base2 to
> AUI?

Converting from 10Base-2 (Coax) to the AUI port is as easy as switching a

Take the system down, then on the back, take out the MFIO card (which is
what I think you are referring to as the "proc card") - Multi-Function I/O
Card - which has the net connections (and the console, etc).

Right on the card, there is only one jumper on there, near the front.
Switch that jumper from one side to the other, and restore the card.

Secure the card, attach an AUI adapter (such as for 10Base-T), and reboot.
You will not need to "T" off the 10Base-2 squirter connection.  It should
work just fine.

(Oh yeah - do hook it up to some cable and a hub <g>)

Best Regards,

Joe Geiser, Senior Partner, CSI Business Solutions, LLC
 ** Your Client-Server and Internetworking Specialists **
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> Thanks, Lane