<<Now that's a new one on me. I thought that the single-humped
beastie was in fact a camel, just a different species. Can you enlighten

For reasons I don't know, the single-humped Arabian version, <Camelus
dromedarius>, is called a "dromedary", while its two-humped Asiatic cousin
<Camelus bactrianus> is called the "camel", or, more specifically, the
"Bactrian camel" (which is confusing, since it didn't originate in Baktria).

To further enhance confusion, the "dromedary" term is derived from the Greek
"dromos", or "road" and is probably more appropriately applied only to the
riding/racing dromedary; maybe the Russian/Siberian/other Asian people
didn't race theirs? Damfino.
