Item Subject: Re: [HP3000-L] Redirecting the STDIN source?
Lars gives an example of a job that contains a "feature" I've been
wondering about lately:

> !job myslt,manager.sys
> !print > indfile
>  @[log in to unmask]; directory; progress; compress
>  @[log in to unmask]
> !eod

I guess my question really involves only "form" rather than "substance."

Anyway, which is "proper" to include in a job stream:

     or :eod

Yes, I understand "!eod" gets translated to ":eod" so there's "really"
no difference, but "!eod" just doesn't feel right.

I mean, neither :EOD nor :EOF: are actually "MPE commands," right?
(Hmmm, I just noticed that EOD is in the 5.0 commands manual with
the other commands, but :EOF: is not.)

Just wondering...

--Glenn "also wondering how one grows seedless grapes" Cole
  Software al dente, Inc.
  [log in to unmask]