In article <[log in to unmask]>,
J_Geiser <[log in to unmask]> writes
>To those who use Usenet for HP3000-L posts:
>After one week of one-way transmissions (from the list, to Usenet), would
>you please be good enough to respond to the following few questions?  Almost
>500 posts were handled while I was away on an island vacation and although
>our stats show some good results, the real results are from you.  TIA!

Well, this just came round again, from 31st August 1998...

I guess you don't really want any more replies. Besides, the old ones
will be along real soon...

But it got me thinking... What's the current state of play on gating?

How many servers are currently gating HP3000-L to comp.sys.hp.mpe?

How many servers are currently gating comp.sys.hp.mpe to HP3000-L?

Which, if any, of these processes can detect duplicates and suppress

I can just about cope with iffy threading OR replying-above-the-message
OR multiple posting

but *combinations* of the above my head to spin do make :-(

Still, must look on the bright side. At least the spammers will take one
look at Deja News and regard comp.sys.hp.mpe as too incoherent to spam
Roy Brown               Phone : (01684) 291710     Fax : (01684) 291712
Affirm Ltd              Email : [log in to unmask]
The Great Barn, Mill St 'Have nothing on your systems that you do not
TEWKESBURY GL20 5SB (UK) know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.'