In <[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] writes:

> > We've been using APC UPSs for at least 3 years. We probably have
> > about 40 in use at the moment. In that time we've had one unit fail. We
> > probably experience 5-6 power outages per year, most lasting only a
> > few seconds. In the time we've been using APC units we've had 2
> > power outages which lasted long enough to drain the UPSs. Mileage
> > Apparently Varies.

We use all APC UPS'es here... every box is hooked up via one. About 20 all
around I suppose in various sizes, the oldest are about 3-4 years old.

We just had 3 fail this year (the first we've ever had fail). None gave any
warning, including the largest (a 1250)... I'm a bit concerned also. (All the
older ones weren't "smart", so all we have to depend on is the alarm lights
and buzzers).

      -Chris (remove nospam) Bartram