Go to <http://jazz.external.hp.com:80/year2000/patches.html>
for information on the additional patches in PowerPatch 5 that are Y2K

On Thu, 20 Aug 1998 17:28:41 +0200, Jan Gerrit Kootstra
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>James H. Trout schreef:
>> Does anyone know exactly what hp had to add in express 5 that was not
>> in
>> express 4? I am reading the communicator that came with express 5 but
>> it is
>> very vague on what they fixed. It talks about what was in express 4
>> and that
>> but not really about 5.  Are there any key y2k issues that we would
>> need to
>> upgrade to 5.5 express 5 for or can we just wait for 6
>   James,
>About y2k things I do not know, but a ftp bug was found on your site,
>that was not fixed with express 4.
>Jan Gerrit.

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