<"Dusty" wrote>
->As a reward for everyone's effort I would like to present to all for
>purposes of edification and future reference the easiest way to
>weigh a pig.
>Find a fence, or build one, something with a strong top beam.
>Across that beam lay, do not nail or otherwise attach, another
>beam at a 90 degree angle.  Now get a rope or some such and
>affix the pig to the outermost end of the "floating" beam.  Next
>attach a bucket/basket or other container to the other end of
>the "floating" beam, being sure that it is the same distance from
>the fence rail as the pig.  Now fill the container with rocks until the pig
>the rocks cause the cross beam to become level with the fence
>rail.  Now go weigh the rocks and you will find that amazingly the
>total weight of the rocks is the exact weight of the pig!
>Your welcome.
>Jim (been in deep south Texas way to long) T.

Wirt... your turn.
