Hi all,
Here's a copy of what I sent to Frank Hayes in response to his Top 100
article in CW. In his article he refers a few times to making people's blood
boil with his list. I'm curious what his response will be (if any).

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Weisbrod <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, August 14, 1998 5:01 PM
Subject: (ref. TOP 100) Blood boil?? Nah..

>Hi Frank,
>No flames from me. Actually, I'm here to help you out for the next list. In
>a hundred years (hey! with the progress in medicine and the way social
>security's going, we'll live to 150+ and have to work the whole time) when
>you're putting the next list together these items will probably be number 1
>and number 2:
>HP3000 - The computer that's been running businesses for 125 years.
>COBOL - Thousands of consultants are still working feverishly on y2k.
>I leave numbers 3 through 100 to you.
>Steve Weisbrod