This issue has come up before, and the original poster, Jan Gerrit
Kootstra, stated it well, below, although this is apparently what Stan
is responding to. Now, there is a matter of supporting clients who do
not have a certain tool, and at least knowing what the options are with
what is at hand. And that can be a good thing.

But I agree with Stan that there is a time for getting the right tool
for the job. And a frank comparison of the options should prove
persuasive. In my thinking, I would have trouble supporting a client who
wanted to pay me fees comparable to what they could buy third-party
software for, and might have to decline the work. Just as I would not
want to be able persuade my doctor that he should remove one of my lungs
because surely I don't need both, and I am trying to lose what, and what
does one of those things weigh, after all? I expect a professional to be
professional enough to tell me that I am wrong.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stan Sieler [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 1998 5:10 PM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Re: [HP3000-L] How to start DDE on an Image Database
> without
> Jan writes:
> > I think I did not make my reason clear, my collegues and I sometimes
> go
> > to clients who do not have any third party tool for DDE therefore we
> > wish to know a 'HP' way to do this.
> Jan...I've seen two basic reasons for wanting an "HP way" of doing
> things:
>    1) people who think that only HP can do it right;
>    2) people who want it free.