HP stock today broke its 52-week low of 51 by going down to 49 before
closing at 50 1/8.

Apple stock today broke its 52-week high of 38 1/8 by going up to 41 before
closing at 39.

I suppose stranger things have happened, but offhand I can't think
of an example (I don't have the Enquirer handy, but then, I never do).


P.S.  I sent this to [log in to unmask] a short while ago, but it bounced
      saying "host unknown."  I double-checked this at

                < http://www.wazoo.com/cgi-bin/lookup >

      (since I didn't have a good nslookup handy, I found this one with
      Webcrawler).  It confirmed there was no "address record" for utc.edu,
      but there was plenty of info for raven.utc.edu.

      Jeff, I remember you saying before that we didn't have to use "raven"
      (and in fact we SHOULDN'T, since it could change [which it did, from
      utcvm]).  So... wha' happened?


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