Hello Dave,

    You can use nslookup to solve your problem.  If you don't have an access
    to  nslookup,  then you can try the  following  C  program  that I wrote
    specially to address your problem.

    You can enter the posix shell and save the following program in a file
    say 'hstbyadr.c'.

    Then from the posix shell itself you can compile as below:
    c89 -D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_SOCKET_SOURCE hstbyadr.c -lsocket -o HSTBYADR

    Next execute the HSTBYADR program either from the POSIX shell or from CI.

    Here follows my program source.
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>
    #include <netdb.h>
    #include <netinet/in.h>

    main(argc, argv)
    int argc;
    char * argv[];
        /* char hstName[128]; */
        char dotNotation_hstAddr[128];
        struct hostent * hePtr;
        struct in_addr inet_hstAddr;

            int i;

            printf("\n\n\nEnter the host ADDRESS in dot notation: ");
            if( strcmp(dotNotation_hstAddr, "") == 0 )

            inet_hstAddr.s_addr = inet_addr(dotNotation_hstAddr);
            hePtr = gethostbyaddr (
                                    (char *) &inet_hstAddr,
                                     sizeof (struct in_addr),

            printf("The host details are as follows:\n");
            printf("    The official name of the host is       : %s\n",

            i = 0;
            printf("    The alternate names for the host are:\n");
                printf("\t-%s\n", hePtr->h_aliases[i]);

Hope this helps.

Shivanand ([log in to unmask])

> All,
> Has anyone got any ideas as to how i can get a nodename from a given IP
> I need to track down a user and only have the IP address. If i can get the
> nodename from this i can trace their logon hence the question
> Thanks
> Dave Ross