in all my code i display the "command" being issued without the "%15" if
there is a non-zero err-flag. sometimes by looking at the actually issued
command it becomes obvious why it failed. usually in my applications its
because i assembled a file eq incorrectly with an extra space somewhere. if
the command looks ok, the try it at the command prompt manually and see what
you get.

btw, i notice a lot of programmers are still using the older intrinsics when
there are native mode equivalents available. HPCICOMMAND in this case could
have been used instead. And there is HPFOPEN rather than FOPEN, plus lots of
others.  So my question is: if an application will never see an old MPE cpu,
will only be run on an MPEiX cpu, is there any reason to not use the newer
intrinsics? or are we talking about some resistance to change here? i find
HPFOPEN much easier that FOPEN to use without the bit maps etc...  these
newer intrinsics have been around for years and i expect the older ones to
disappear sometime.. maybe with the new 64bit cpu"s???
What do the rest of you think?

thanks........eric kundl
NylCare IS - manager/programmer
ICQ: 3154765
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Johnson Stephen wrote in message ...
>statement pic x(50) followed by %15
>param S9(4) COMP
>err      S9(4) COMP.
>I am calling intrinsic "COMMAND" using statement, param, err.
>The err coming back is  -0007
>Can someone tell me what -0007 means.
>Stephen  Johnson