In <[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] writes:

> Hi all,
> Today, we received a RoadRunner tape.

[bpxlrest debacle snipped]

> Two tips for third-party backup product vendors:
>    The printed listing of the STORE utility should say "for restore
>    information, see: http://<whatever>/restore.html"
>    And, the STORE-compatible section of the tape should have a README
>    file that has restore syntax information!

Excellent suggestions!

On-a-related-note: I never did get hold of a bpxl<restore> program that
would allow me to restore (CM) Backpack tapes on my iX box. backrest from
the tape gags. Seems like it'd be "neighborly" to make those restore programs
available on a web or ftp site somewhere too... for those of us with lotsa
old tapes lying 'round.

             -Chris Bartram

(remove "nospam" for personal replies)