With respect to "Alfredo's surprise", after Michael said:

>> I think the little surprise is on page 10 of the July 27
>> Computerworld, and is an example of putting your money
>> where your mouth is.
> >> Congratulations Alfredo

Then Alfredo came back with:


> As I say in the ad, the HP3000 is HP's best-kept secret.
> Hopefully, through everybody's combined efforts, such secret
> will become a well-known fact in the computer world, ......

Alfredo, HP is not keeping the secret quite so well anymore:

Turn a few more pages after the Adager ad in that same issue
of Computerworld;  like a dozen, to be exact:  On pages
22 and 23 you will find a full two-page ad for the HP 3000...
BY HP !!!!....  attaboy.....  er.... attaperson, CSY:

It's a picture of a security blanket, with the following words:

hp3000 = trustworthy      (on top of page 22)
trustworthy = hp             (on top of page 23)

Under the security blanket, spanning both pages:

"Comfortable is a word not often associated with new technology.
But what if that "new" technology had over twenty-five years of
experience ? Introducing the rebirth of the HP 3000.  The HP
3000 offers you a highly available, reliable and easy-to-integrate
platform for your mission-critical applications."

...  followed by the /3000servers URL.

Ken Sletten