I am pretty sure that there is no plan to obsolete the CD device as an
     OS distribution media.  I am pretty sure that 6.0 will be available on
     it.  Maybe someone at CSY can confirm this and shed more light on the

     Carl Sitherwood
     HP Atlanta IT

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: CD-ROM Useless?
Author:  Non-HP-gavin ([log in to unmask]) at HP-USA,uugw1
Date:    7/9/98 12:55 PM

Jim writes:
> He told me that HP was going to move to a CD-only update format!

I think this was the plan back when they made the CD-ROM a standard
item on all new 3000s, but I get the impression that, for whatever
reasons, they have moved away from the idea.

So there's probably a good chance that your CE is using obsolete
information.  You should see about having his firmware updated.
