Mike Berkowitz writes:

> You can use either "repack" you mentioned.  If you delete all entries,
> the highwater mark and deletechaincount are both set back to zero.
> Of course your applications may have a cow about the temporarily
> missing data.

Oooh, good one!
I'm bummed that I forgot about that!

And a quick check of the archives
        < http://raven.utc.edu/SCRIPTS/WA.EXE?S1=hp3000-l >

for "highwater and reset" shows the relevant info from discussions
on 1997-11-21 and 1997-11-22.  Alfredo graciously posted Rene Woc's
comments on this topic, including this tidbit:

>It turns out that if you delete ALL the entries of a detail dataset (via
>QUERY or via applications), the HighWaterMark is reset to zero, the
>FreeEntryCount is reset to the current capacity, and the FreeEntryList
>*HEAD* is reset to 0.  So far, so good.  What's not obvious is that the
>FreeEntry *LIST* itself remains unchanged ABOVE the HighWaterMark, with all
>of its pointers intact.
>There are some nasty consequences of this.

I'm going to have to read that (again!) several times over.
All I need now is time. ;)

--Glenn Cole
  Software al dente, Inc.
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