I said...

>Anyway, I have installed the JDK from the Freeware Tape on
>our HP3000 (5.5, pp 3 or 4 [I don't keep track of that]) and
>am getting the following error when I follow the instructions:
> ------------------------------------------------
>:java HelloWorldApp
>Program requires more capabilities than allowed for the group, the user of a
>temporary file, or the hierarchical directory user.  (LDRERR 505)
>Native mode loader message 505
>RUN /usr/local/java/latest/bin/PA-RISC/green_threads/java;INFO="HelloWorldApp"
>Unable to load program to be run. (CIERR 625)

I "kludged" my last security problem by running

I would still be interested how to fix that correctly for joe.user ....
(not Joe Geiser <grin>)

On to bigger and better problems......

I created a java program on my PC (Win NT) and ftp'ed
it to the linux system that I have access to (binary).

I then ftp from the linux system to the HP3000.  Again
in Binary (I tried bytestream, but the far system didn't
know what I was talking about).

I did this two steps since I don't have a ftp server running on my
NT workstation.  At least I don't know how to run it.

When I try to run the java program, it says it cannot find
it.  I see it there (in HFS) and the permissions are the
same as a java program that I compiled on the HP3000.

FYI, I can do this in reverse.  Compile a program on the
HP3000 and move it to my NT PC and run it there.  It
says "Hello, HP3000 world".

So I have them moving one way, but not the other.

Any ideas will be appriciated.
