I have been using Allbase G1.12 for the last week trying to port our
MSSQL product to the HP3000 with pretty good results.  However it did
have a few problems, so we decided to try down loading the current
Allbase patch from HP (SQLKX53A).  It now seems to handle UID
differently and although I can force a connection, none of my Delphi
programs function properly.  Here are the details:

        Allbase Version G2.04
        ODBC SE E.56.09
        Delphi 3.02

We get an error on opening the connection that says:

        Key Violation.
        (ODBCLN32.DLL) Error Parsing UID string

We have completly rebuilt the DBE on the HP3000.  The only connection
we can get to the DBE requires our select statements to include the
user id (SELECT [log in to unmask]) when we want to send nothing (SELECT
TABLE).  This worked with G1.12 but it had concurrency problems.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Mel Rees
CMT, Inc
[log in to unmask]