Kevin Miller <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>For me this ;DIRECTORY switch is a nightmare.
>I want to restore a single account from a tape, with the DIRECTORY
>It always creates all other accounts from the tape on my system -- even
>though I am not restoring
>   any files from those accounts. Then I have to PURGEACCT for all of
>them to cleanup my system.
>Worst yet, I need to change the account name on the restore:
>";acct=newactnm".  Here the directory
>option failed to create the newacct "newactnm", so all fails failed to

Beware another side effect that everyone should be aware of concerning
;DIRECTORY is that it also restores the PASSWORDS that were in use at the
time the store tape was created. This can have some nasty implications if
you pull out an old dusty tape from years gone by to restore a single
account and all of your passwords for MANAGER.SYS have reverted back to
something long forgotten.

IMHO ;DIRECTORY should only be used when you are re-installing a system.


Doug Werth                                     Beechglen Development Inc.
[log in to unmask]                                       Cincinnati, Ohio

The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views or opinions
of Beechglen Development. They might, but not necessarily. They represent
solely the opinions of the author.