I'm baaaack....

Well I never unsubscribed, I just turned off mail for the last seven
months while pushing really hard on a project.  Rick Little is also on
the list so our department had an ear to the ground....

Anyway the reason I'm back on and posting is to publicly thank Mark
Bixby on what he has done by porting Apache to the HP3000.

The instructions were *flawless*.  I followed all the steps (well, I
didn't read any of the readme's on the FTP site) and got everything
downloaded and set up lickity split.

The only problem was a posix smoothing issue.  My term type wasn't
setable so I couldn't run "vi" to change the httpd.conf file.  Loging on
as MANAGER.SYS took care of that.  I know there are some posix smoothing
pages out there and Rick has looked into them.

The next job is to get java working so I can hit an image database to
document the network that we have been buildling.  So you might see more
questions about that later.

Again, THANKS MARK.  Great job!

Alan Ambers

[log in to unmask]
Chief, Network Technologies
Frederick County Government - IIS

p.s.  I'm also back since I'll be going to HP World this year.  First
time in six years  so hold a seat at the hp3000-l lunch!